Sunday, September 12, 2010

Avoiding Explicit Permission - Execute as clause

Providing direct access on tables for application user accounts is always a security concern. But, there are some scenarios which forces us to do the same. I previously discussed it in detail over here. SQL Server 2008/2005 provides a few options to avoid providing direct rights, even when the stored procedure involves dynamic sql, DDL, cross database reference etc. This post will explore one such option.

Execute AS option:
While creating stored procedures, we can specify EXECUTE AS clause to run the stored procedure under a different account. For example consider the following

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Rights_check
      DECLARE @txt NVARCHAR(100)
      SET @txt = 'Select * from databaselog'
      EXEC Sp_executesql @txt

Let us grant rights to account test1, which doesn't have direct access to 'databaselog' table.

GRANT EXEC ON dbo.rights_check TO test1

Executing the 'dbo.rights_check' procedure from 'test1' account fails as test1 doesn't have direct access on 'databaselog' table.Using 'Execute As' clause can allow test1 to execute 'dbo.rights_check' procedure successfully without directly providing rights on the 'databaselog' table.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Rights_check
      DECLARE @txt NVARCHAR(100)
      SET @txt = 'Select * from databaselog'
      EXEC Sp_executesql @txt

I have just added the EXECUTE as OWNER clause on top which ensures that the stored procedure is executed in the context of owner of the stored procedure. Execution of the stored procedure using test1 is successful as expected.

The reason is, adding EXECUTE as OWNER allows any account which has execution rights on the stored procedure to execute under the security context of the owner of the stored procedure. This ensures that the executing account is allowed to obtain the special permissions only within the stored procedure and not outside the scope of it.

EXECUTE AS clause provides additional options like EXECUTE as 'user_name'. EXECUTE as 'user_name' allows one to execute under the context of particular user account instead of owner of the object.More details on the same can be read here.

EXECUTE AS clause effectively solves the security problems that arise when DDL statements, dynamic sql, cross database references are used.Digital Signatures, introduced in SQL Server 2005 also helps in addressing similar security problems which we will cover in the next post.

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